Mission and Culture

Quality process + quality work = quality results

Our professional services are delivered using our Accelerated Integration Management (AIM) process. AIM delivers efficiency, client satisfaction, information availability and accuracy. It’s how our work is completed on time and within budget. AIM’s flexibility allows us to engage clients in a variety of industries, integrating it into their methods without interruption to their business. By scheduling reviews at key intervals in the project, we are able to continually align our efforts with the project plan.

Strong Technology

When we select solutions to deliver to our clients, we’re looking for the complete package: technical merit, market acceptance and position, supportability, and integration compatibility. At RealTek LLC, we carry only the best tools and use them with a skill and precision unmatched in our industry. By focusing on high impact solutions within our wheelhouse, we are able to keep our technical edge and readily discern whether or not our solutions are a good fit for clients and prospects.

Integrity. Value. Service.

At RealTek LLC, we have staked our reputation on these three simple words. We are serious about the quality of our work, and we are passionate about its pursuit, in part, because we believe this is how to earn loyal, satisfied clients. If you are not completely satisfied with the quality of RealTek’s professional services, we will do whatever is necessary to fix it to ensure you get the best service and the best solution guaranteed.

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